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Form C is your own volunteer hours form that you fill out recording all the community service events  turned it in at the Career Center. Make sure you write KEY CLUB on non-profit organization and Ms. Galang as the supervisor. Fill the form out DIGITALLY through a program called DocHub. 


Use this form to log your service hours with Burbank High School!
How To:1. Fill out this form with the TOTAL amount of service hours you need approval for.
2. Upload a pdf of Form C with all of the individual events and hours you participated in. (Save Form C as a pdf and use DocHub to write on Form C digitally.)
3. Wait for an approval email from Burbank Key Club Secretary.
4. Once approved, type out Veronica Galang as the electronic signature onto Form C.
5. Email the document to to log the hours with the school.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Lexi Sullivan | BHS Key Club Secretary |


Service hours you complete outside of Key Club can also be counted as Key Club hours. Fill out this form if you have any individual service hours you would wish to be put into the logbook. You must add these individual hours on your digital Form C as well if you have not already done so. 

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