These are articles are from past events! Read more articles on our division newsletters.

These articles are from past events! Read more in our division newsletters!

Burbank High Key Club had their first official club service event of the school year on September 9th! This event was called BeanBeanBean. BeanBeanBean is a website for members to answer trivia questions. For each question members get correct, BeanBeanBean donates money for food banks. This was a great event because it was easily accessible for members and was COVID friendly! Also, it helped out struggling families which is very important due to the unfortunate circumstances we are in. Members were able to get service hours in such a simple way This event is just the start of many future at-home service events to come!
Cranes for a Cause
On the 150th day of quarantine, July 18th, Alliance MIT, Burbank, Champs, and NOHO Key Club had the Cranes For A Cause event together. This event took place on Zoom Meetings with many members. Key Clubbers learned to make cute paper cranes out of colored paper! While making paper cranes, we watched a classic 80s movie, The Karate Kid. These paper cranes were sent to the Hiroshima Monument in Japan. Making paper cranes was a great way for members to learn a new skill, to challenge their minds. They were able to try something new for a good cause!

On June 23rd, Key Club members had the Color a Smile event. They printed out fun color pages of things such as bears with balloons, caterpillars painting, and clowns juggling from a website. These Pages were mailed to New Jersey! Key clubbers got to use a variety of colorful markers, colored pencils and even paint to express themselves on paper. They were able to release their inner child and remember the simple days when they loved to color anything and everything anytime! Because of this service event they could color as much as they want. Coloring is a great way to de-stress and relax. In this stressful time, they could color for a good cause and spread positivity and happiness.

Letters to the Children
On June 3rd members started to write letters for the children in Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. These letters were handwritten, colorful and eye catching .In the complicated time we are living in, it was nice for Key Clubbers to write their thoughts or ideas down on paper in hopes of cheering up the children in the hospital. They wrote about a variety of entertaining topics. For example their hobbies, their family, friends, interests, or goals. This helped members realize the importance of communicating with others and how much it can positively impact the person writing the letter and the person reading the letter. Hopefully these letters will help the reader feel better no matter what they are going through.

Kiwanis Book Drive
On October 24th Key Clubbers got to volunteer at their first in-person event with the Burbank Kiwanis Club of Burbank! This event was held in the YMCA parking lot. Families were able to get books for every grade level. Tables with many books were placed six feet apart to meet COVID-19 guidelines. Members were put in each table and given tasks to either organize the books or distribute them to the families who drive by! It was so nice to see familiar faces! It's been so long we missed our members :( And of course we all wore masks to be safe. Members even got to take home some books to read!
Hopefully we will have more in-person events in the future, but for now we will continue to serve our community safely at home!

Letters For Our Elders
Over winter break, Burbank High Key Club provided a service hours opportunity for members called Letters For our Elders! Key Clubbers were able to write meaningful and interesting letters for the elderly. During this crazy time we are living in, it is important to think about others and the situations they may be in. A simple funny anecdote written in colorful markers can make someone’s day. Spreading positivity and telling people they are loved can really go a long way! These letters were mailed out and sent to the elderly. Members wrote countless letters in hopes of cheering them up!

Officer Elections
This month at Burbank Key Club is election month! We will elect our new Bulletin Editor, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and President for the 2021-2022 term. On February 4th we got to hear speeches from the Bulletin Editor and Treasurer candidates. All the candidates were so prepared and ready to take on their position eager to win the members votes. Members got to ask the candidates caucus questions and hear the candidates goals and why they ran for the position. It was great seeing underclassmen run for positions because they are the future of Key Club and we can’t wait to see what good they will do in the future!

New BHS Exec Board
This month Burbank Key Club got a new executive board! Many members filled out the application, and it was amazing to see all the general members eager to become more involved in Key Club. Burbank’s executive board has many committees such as Kiwanis Family, Recycling, Spirit Commissioner, Spirit Design, and Assistant to Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor. The officers spent about 4 hours interviewing all the applicants. We asked them questions such as “What do you love about Key Club?” and “Do you have any new ideas to improve our club?” It was hard choosing the new board out of all the qualified applicants, but the officers are all confident in our new executive board’s abilities and can’t wait to see what they’ll do for this club!
Textbook Return Event
As this school year ended, all the BHS students had to return their textbooks. Thousands of students returned their textbooks over the course of three weeks at the BHS library, where key clubbers assisted Ms. Hoy, our bookroom coordinator, in handling the books. Some volunteers organized textbooks by subjects onto carts, while others took the carts and stacked the books into their designated piles. This was one of our two in-person service events, and it was amazing to see how eager key clubbers were to attend, as over 20 members signed up! This was the first in-person event many of our underclassmen members served at, and we hope to have many more in the future! :)
Diploma Pickup Help Event
As this school year ended, all the BHS students had to return their textbooks. Thousands of students returned their textbooks over the course of three weeks at the BHS library, where key clubbers assisted Ms. Hoy, our bookroom coordinator, in handling the books. Some volunteers organized textbooks by subjects onto carts, while others took the carts and stacked the books into their designated piles. This was one of our two in-person service events, and it was amazing to see how eager key clubbers were to attend, as over 20 members signed up! This was the first in-person event many of our underclassmen members served at, and we hope to have many more in the future! :)